Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Karmic Connection to meet teachers in your present life journey

Your life journey is your spiritual journey in which you are in spiritual development. When you enter the phases of spiritual awakening, you will meet new people that enrich your spiritual with many lessons in every phase. Some of them you meet may become your teachers accidentally as it is said that 'when student is ready, teacher appears'. That's the karmic connection between the student and the teacher begins. There is no coincidence in the meetings and those who are ready to learn are guided by cosmic or universe to meet the teacher and the next teacher and the next other teacher to fulfill your life journey.

What I meant Teacher is GURU, spiritual guru. The Gurus may come to you phsysically or non-physically. When you suddenly have a feeling that you want to learn yoga asanas, Meditation, Taichi, or other martial arts related to Energy, follow your feeling because you will start to meet a Guru that helps you to bring your energy to a  certainlevel. By the time going on, you will meet other Gurus that bring you to up lift your Energy to the next levels. Cosmic will bring more Gurus to you in your life journey at every certain level of your energy. You may have a feeling to find by yourself or they may come to you accidentally at some events. One thing that important is you must recognize your feeling to willingness to have a Guru, whether your willingness coming from your intuition (sudden feeling) to see into you or coming from your emotional feeling to show off to other people with a special ability. Be careful of this, as you may get Syndrome like Kundalini Syndrome if you just use your emotional feeling and want to up lift your Energy in a very short time or instant. It will distract you to receive the pure Energy, the positive energies.

Once you recognize your intuition, follow the intuition. Time will tell. Cosmic will bring you to meet your Spiritual Gurus (non physically). It means that is the right time you will meet your Spirit Guides. When you are in a certain level of energy, in your positive energy. 

Because when you are in the light energy, you vibrate your light energy and may attract more other positive energies in this cosmic coming to you. The Spirit Guides might be your loved deceased ones, the ascended Masters, your ancestors, or others in your past lives or even Guardian Angels may talk with you through some ways.

love n blessing

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