Some of my students told me in their own different time of Yoga and Meditation course, that they were seeing auras surrounding my body. I myself didn't see my own aura (except through the mirror, while practicing seeing my own aura). Some of them were not aware of what they were seeing was aura, but they told me a certain very bright collor was surrounding my hand, my body. One of the students told surprisingly at another time and almost shocked me too, as she spontaneously backed off. I asked why, and she told she saw a white flash-light like a fire spark when we set the fire up on the cooker.
I myself finally went to a store at PIM (South Skywalk) to take a picture of my auras from an aura camera at the store. Then I showed the picture to my students to confirm what they had seen before.
Let me tell you that everyone may see the auras. Some aura theorists told that all young children and infants could clearly see auras, but they lose their natural ability as they age. You may see your kiddos drawing some objects with rainbow colors, such as a man drawn in pink and green color, etc. Some of you may have the natural ability to see aura colors straightforwardly. If you don't, you can strengthen your auras seeing through some practice through meditation or through your deeply prayer that focused on a certain prayer or Mantra (depend on your beliefs). It is just a matter of how to concentrate on an object. If you want to know about How learn to see aura, you may go to my blog
Back to my lovely students that seeing my auras, I wish you read this and keep on your mind (I took this from a book "Meditation, by Joan Budilovsky and Eve Adamson," that I bought at a US bookstore).
When you see your teacher's aura in gold and very clear, means that your teacher is spiritually advanced and could serve as a worthy spiritual advisor, according to proponents of auric sight. (However we advise that you should never substitute aura for intuition. If you think someone's aura looks bright, and clear but you have a feeling you don't trust them or they make you uncomfortable, go with your intuition).
What is Gold Aura Color meaning?
This color is a symbol of wisdom, spirituality and intuition.
If you notice a yellow halo above the head that means that you are a spiritual teacher. It also means that you have activated your third eye chakra to the fullest degree.
and How Yellow you see on someone ?
If you have a particularly clear, yellow aura around your head, like a halo, then you are advanced in your spiritual development and are a natural spiritual leader.
I love to share this link for you getting more knowledge about Yellow Aura
Based on this point, too.... Just trust your intuition, you may follow to have their lessons because they have been there where you want to be there. However don't devote to the cultus of someone or your teachers that you might have seen their gold aura. Because it will distract you to meet your highest consciousness. As the highest energy one is only from God, and believe that you will get the spiritual awakening through your meditation and prayers and by the time you will uplift your energy lighter to your higher consciousness and you may get the yellow hallo or gold aura surrounding you one day.. As all thing come from God and the life secret just from God or Universe.
Love you all and Blessings,
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