Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Your Soulmates Born to Support Your Present Life

Look at surrounding! People, who like blaming or judging you too bad with your failures in the past are mostly the people who never been with you all the time. The people, who never followed or never seen how you have survived  in reaching your success presently never offer their helps and even hardly meet and communicate with you but keep blaming you, are outsiders.

These kind of people are not aware of that they are creating their own images with their thinking model that based on their failures unseen by themselves. They lose perspective. You waste your time to explain your position. These people will never walk on your shoes. You'd better keep up your energy. Don't let your energy  drained by these people. They were born not in purpose to be your soulmates. Let them go.

Your soulmates are the ones that support you to reach your success. Your soulmates are the ones who always support you, never judge or blame you, never have bad images about you at any worst situation,   but in their silence, they feel very much happy in their sincere heart to see how you move forward and survive to reach your success.

The people you meet are the ones in your past life that you have promised to each other to meet to finish your unfinished business in the past lives, but your soulmates are the ones in your past lives that had promised to meet again  to support each other in purpose to dismiss the Bad Karma that following you in present life to reach the Good Karma. You will meet each other as the promise you made in the past lives. Your soulmates may become your best friend, your colleagues, your gurus, your business partners, your lovers, your babies, your parents, your family members or whoever you feel so touched once you meet and in touch. Every soul connects to each other. Every soul will finish unfinished business in the past. Every soul goes to reach Good Karma with any ways.

 love n blessings,

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